Last Updated on November 19, 2016 by Jo
The LPGA Money List 2015
We’re already 4 months into 2016, but the LPGA Money List 2015 reveals a lot about the current standings in women’s professional golf, who may be in line for successes this year, and also the ongoing discrepancy between the PGA and LPGA when it comes to awarding prize money for tournaments.
The Money’s in The List!
Women for a long time have been “left in the dust” when it comes to financial recognition and status as compared to men’s golf. Until somewhat recently, this had been true in almost all aspects of golf: media, endorsements, trainings and support in all areas. Even today, the professional women players make only a small percentage of what the men bring home. Yes, it has grown quite a bit over the decades, but side-by-side to men they don’t hold a candle to them in total earnings.
Only thru the hard work of the LPGA and a handful of other organizations has it begun to change.
“Lydia Ko won the LPGA’s first major, the ANA Inspiration in Rancho, Mirage, California, and received a $390,000 check. It was 21.6 percent of the $1.8 million Spieth earned for his 2015 Masters victory.”
… and get this! ESPN confirms there is still a long way to go yet.
LPGA Top Earners
So take a look at the figures from the 2015 season.
… this shows the top 10 money winners for the year

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You can find the entire list at the LPGA Website
PGA Top Earners
… and their counterparts in the PGA

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In the #1 position are Lydia Ko and Jordan Spieth – with earnings of $2,800,802 vs $12,030,465 respectively. That’s a difference of $9,229,663! I find this incredible to put it mildly. That’s more than 4 times as much for the men. Said another way, Lydia received only 23.28% of what Jordan took home.
Even the 5th top money earners for 2015, Lexi Thompson ($1,763,904) and Dustin Johnson ($5,509,467), show a gap of $3,745,563 – 32.02% of what Dustin got.
In the most recent LPGA Tournament completed, the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic, Haru Nomura brought home $300,000 while Charley Hoffman made $1,116,000 at the Valero Texas Open.
Now I love men’s golf too, who doesn’t. This is not about the fabulous players on the PGA Tour, but rather the inequalities against women and how much they are paid on a much grander scale. This has been evident throughout time in the area of all women’s sports (and for that matter almost everything).
Women just earn less – still true
… and still UNFAIR!
If someone were to look at all the monies received by professional women golfers, they might think that they earn a pretty good living for their hard work (and it is hard work); but that is not the point at all! It’s definitely a gender issue, something I would have hoped would have changed to a more significant degree by now. I’m afraid it’s a very long slow battle for equality.
JMO (just my opinion)
If you’ve got comments about the LPGA Money List 2015 and the future of women’s professional golf earnings, please leave them below – I’d love to hear your views!
Great website! You obviously have a great love and knowledge of the sport of golf and this shows through in the thorough detail you have put together.
I do love the sport and enjoy watching women’s golf just as much as the men’s!
I see a progressive increase in the amount of coverage ladies golf gets year on year. This increase in visibility can only be good for women’s golf and long may it continue. I also hope this will result in a more fair compensation compared with the men. Let’s hope.
2017 is going to be the best year ever Ken. The number of tournaments, tv coverage, and purses (prize money) is finally growing!
And yes, it’s about time!
I think this is a very interesting subject. I really don’t know why women are being treated unfairly in any sport as well as golf. This post was very informative but shocking. I can’t believe the lack of payouts the women receive vs the men payouts. Something I didn’t even know about! I haven’t seen Lydia Ko play in a while, but if she is doing as good as you say, then something needs to be changed. I think this issue involves every sport too.
It’s pretty incredible!
Discrimination in the world of golf at a very obvious level!
That is a huge difference and you are spot on, it is not right at all.
I hope this begins to even out, as the game is the same for either sex. Why should not the pay be too?
Thanks for keeping this in the limelight. If it is ever to change it first must be in front of as many people as possible!
I will help spread your article through my network!
Thanks Shawn!
I appreciate you spreading the word! It really is crazy in this day and age, although it’s been an issue from the start.
The LPGA Money List 2015 above really shows some stark differences in payouts between the sexes, and it makes me almost want to ….! It’s a constant battle.
Nice to see Lydia Ko doing so well again! What a great golfer.. really enjoy watching her play. (I’m from New Zealand too, so I get a kick out of NZ’ders doing so well – haha).
She’s a very inspiring golfer I must say!
BTW I agree with you regarding the inequalities between the men and women… not too fair. I wonder what can be done to make that change quicker.
Ah, yes, that’s a good question.
Even since the 1940’s when Babe Didrikson Zaharias was winning tournaments, it was pretty much the same and hasn’t changed to any great degree as far as percentages – Back at that time women earned approx. 12% of what the men did.
Some progress has been made, but not much real improvement!
So to answer your question – don’t know!
But I think I would put a lot more pressure on the USGA & PGA. Maybe the male players could speak up a bit more too; of course they don’t want to kill the goose that lays their golden eggs.
I never realized that there was such a huge difference in the prize money from men to women. I can’t believe in this day and age that their is still this ridiculous division when it comes to prize money! I think that the amounts should be equal for each gender.
What role do the sponsors play in this if any?
Hi Steve
Sure, the sponsors play a role along with TV Broadcast Networks, but I think most of the blame falls onto the PGA and USGA as far as this issue goes. They’re in charge of a lot of the $$$ for tournaments and disbursements.
They apparently believe women don’t deserve the same!