Donald Trumps’ Impact on The 2017 US Women’s Open
In a country that is heavily divided ideologically with controversy surrounding much of the most recent election, it’s hard to imagine how any of that would have to do with golf.
If you are following the upcoming LPGA schedule, then you may already know that the 2017 Women’s U.S. Open is set to take place at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. This golf course was given the honor of hosting this event when Donald Trump was simply referred to as a business mogul and reality TV host. He is now the 45th President of the United States, having been sworn in on January 20th, 2017.
The Background: A political campaign like no other
For those of you who didn’t follow the political scene, Donald Trump’s campaign was somewhat entertaining, a bit scandalous and quite heated. He is one of the few Republican candidates who called out other Republican presidential contenders on their lies, policy failures and even on their lack of energy (Jeb Bush) in campaigning. His tagline, “Make America Great Again” won over many Americans who seemed fed up with the typical elitist politicians on both sides who failed to deliver on their promises.
Once Trump won the primary and gained the Republican nomination, the real mudslinging began against Democrat, Hillary Clinton. Close to election day, footage of him speaking to host Billy Bush and referring to women in a very crude way surfaced to the media. His use of derogatory terms to describe women put Trump in the line of fire on both sides; some even calling for Trump to drop out and let his VP nomination, Mike Pence, step in.
However, Trump did not back out and he amazingly beat the odds against his critics and opposition to win the United States Presidency.
Now after all of this, the question I pose to you is:
Should the LPGA have moved the Women’s U.S. Open based upon Trump’s views and antics during this election campaign?
I have been able to get feedback from people who are both sides of the spectrum. There are some who feel as though Trump was vilified in the media as sexist, while others think his lack of respect to the female gender is enough to not support him in any way.
To be fair, let’s look at both sides of the argument for you to draw your own conclusion in this debate.
Trump: A man ahead of the times
As long as Trump has been building the Manhattan skyline with towering skyscrapers, so has he been employing and empowering females in leadership roles.
During the construction of the new famous Trump Tower, he placed a woman named Barbara Res in charge of its development. She recalled her time working with Trump, and even referred to him as “killer.”
During their time together, she never forgot his words to her, “men are better than women, but a good woman is better than 10 good men.” Res went on to say that Trump placed women in powerful roles when no other man had dared to do so. He took a chance on them, and he didn’t regret his decision in employing them for these high level jobs.
Trump has said on his employment of women, “I was way ahead of the curve…I hired a lot of women for top jobs, and they’re among my best people.”
Trump: A sexist and polarizing figure
On the other side of the argument, Trump’s words have truly resonated with those who find him degrading and isolating.
Over the years, he has shared his views on the opposite sex and they do not mirror those of a man who would empower driven females.
In 1994, Trump was interviewed by ABC News where he talked about his ‘old school’ views on the female role. “I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. Unfortunately, after they’re a star, the fun is over for me. It’s like a creation process. It’s almost like creating a building. It’s pretty sad.”
In the same interview he also stated that while he doesn’t want to sound chauvinistic, but “if he comes home and dinner is not on the table he goes through the roof.”
While this isn’t the worst of Trump’s words, it still is enough for some to believe that Trump isn’t a champion for women (regardless of his history of employing them).
Trump has also created in much controversy in wanting to create a wall between Mexico and the United States, as he continues to push his campaign as “America first.” He also warns of a more “isolated and protectionist path ahead” for the country. Trump says that wants to focus on building a better America by investing more infrastructure and its development rather than issues outside of the U.S. borders.
So how does golf factor into this?
If you look at the LPGA’s top five female golfers, not one of them is from the United States:
Will these players feel welcome in playing in the U.S., especially on a course that is named and built by the current Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump?
If you read about the history on professional women golfers, you will see that women have worked hard to get accepted in the game and to be seen as equals among the men. Is playing on Trump’s course seen as a step back for women, or as a way of moving forward and not letting his words deter the spirit of this new generation women players?
Where it stands now
The Women’s U.S. Open is still set to play at the Trump National Golf Course. Some American players have spoken out in showing their support of that decision.
Professional golfer and friend of Trump, Cristie Kerr, has stated, “Nobody treats the LPGA better than Donald.” While #9 ranked golfer, Brittany Lang simply said, “To keep it there.”
In contrast, Jodi Shadoff from England has stated, “On principle, I feel it’s just not right.”
While LPGA hasn’t made an official remark on the event, the LPGA commissioner did put it out there that “the players want big crowds and big TV. The last thing that they want is to make a political statement that affects their opportunities.”
The Women’s U.S. Open is scheduled to take place on July 13th – 16th, 2017. Be sure to mark it on your calendars, as it will be a big event for all the players involved.
Final Thoughts
In my opinion, this was a decision that was made long before Trump ran for President. It wasn’t a political move by the LPGA, but one to give the players an opportunity to showcase their abilities in front of a large and well-known arena.
Trump has been a love him/hate him figure long before he threw his hat into the Presidential race. If he was as controversial as he is displayed, I am sure the LPGA wouldn’t have considered his course in the first place.
To move this tournament would only draw an unnecessary light to politics into a place where it doesn’t need to be involved. The move would look political, and probably unnecessarily divide an already divided audience even more. The U.S. Open is about the golfers, not politics. If we let the words of Trump break the spirits of women by moving this event in protest, then how far have women really come in this lifetime?
Regardless of the history of this golf course, I hope that this tournament isn’t shrouded in politics, with the focus being on our elected government officials. Golf is an event of class and grace that these female players exemplify. They have all have worked so hard to play at this level; to turn our attention to anything that isn’t golf related is unfair to them and to the game of golf. After all, isn’t one good woman golfer better than 10 male golfers? I think even that Donald Trump would agree with that.
… I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
Do you think the LPGA made the right decision to keep it there?
What would you have done if you were in charge?
Will the LPGA get positive or negative feedback from their choice?
I look forward to your thoughts – just remember, be nice.
[socialpoll id=”2420806″ path=”/polls/2420806″ width=”300″]
Cohen, Claire. “Donald Trump sexism tracker: Every offensive comment in one place.” 20 January, 2017. The Telegraph 21 January, 2017.
Romine, Brentley. “2017 U.S. Women’s Open remains set for Trump National Golf Club.” 16 November, 2016. Golfweek 20 January, 2017.
Stellar, Frances Stead. “Donald Trump – A champion of women? His female employees think so.” 24 November, 2015. The Washington Post 20 January, 2017.
Witte, Griff. “After Trump pledges, “America first” the world responds with protest and dismay.” 20 January, 2017. The Washington Post 21 January, 2017.
An aerial view of Trump National Golf Club – Bedminster, NJ.
As a female that supported Trump, I say leave it where it is. It is a beautiful golf course.
I live and work in Colorado. I attended a couple of Trump rallies and there were LOTS of intelligent and smart women of all races at the rallies. The last rally that I went to was in Denver on the last Saturday before election day. Based on what I saw in person,I have very little trust in the news media stories anymore.
For now, female golf players should focus on being the best golf players. It probably wouldn’t’ hurt if they spent more time encouraging their female friends to try golf.
Just keep it where it’s at. Trump has a very long history with treating the LPGA with great respect. As far as I’m concerned…this shouldn’t even be. As Mike pointed out. Most that oppose are very left wing celebrities that are so out of touch with reality and how the world really works that it’s sickening.
At the end of the day nobody wants to think about politics. They just want to play golf and have fun. So let them do just that at that location!
I say, leave the Open where it is. First of all, the site was likely chosen a long time ago and many activities and logistics are set in stone at this point. Therefore, moving may be problematic. Anyway, a move to another course would place the focus on Trump rather than on the tournament and players, where it should. But… I have a feeling that this will get some more press as the tournament nears — particularly if things are still heated between women’s rights activists and Trump. The question is, will any of the players use the tournament as a platform to make a statement for women’s right, should anyone be inclined to do so? How would they do it? And would it hurt or help that player in terms of endorsements, etc? We’ll see!!
Hi Christie
You’re correct. The USGA announced the award to Trump National back in May of 2012, so it has been close to 5 years ago now.
I agree that the logistics would be too difficult and nearly impossible to relocate adequately, especially at this point in time.
Who knew then what we would be dealing with today!
I have no doubt that the Women’s U.S. Open will be getting a whole lot more press as the date draws near. Where it leaves women’s golf, or those women who feel strong enough to speak up, is a whole other question indeed.
If the LPGA were to move the tournament, it would show that it listens to a noisy minority, the look-at-me Hollywood left. These people were the first to criticize Trump pre-election for refusing to say if he would accept the result. After Trump won, they tried to stop his election by the Electoral College. Now they are using the Movie Awards season to bash the new President.
Let’s keep politics like this out of sport. The LPGA made a business decision to play the tournament where they chose. Is the course up to scratch? If so, play up, play up and play the game!
Thanks for “chiming in”!
I let your comment stand, to highlight what I believe to be the mentality of much of “The Trump Brigade”, and the total lack of character and integrity I see within.
BOTH sides to this question were presented eloquently and respectably, and the goal was to talk about this one subject alone, having to do with Donald Trumps treatment and regard for WOMEN, and whether a man like this should host an LPGA event – period. But, since you couldn’t help yourself, here I go.
If the LPGA were to move the tournament, it would show that it listens to a noisy minority, the look-at-me Hollywood left.
A noisy minority? – It may behove you to discover that Trump (as President) has a terrible approval ratings among all Americans – probably the worst ever!
Poll: 36% approve of Trump’s job performance – and that did not include any reverberation from todays “Muslim Ban”, which is being criticized in much of the world!
Donald Trump has fed us with a barrage of “alternative facts” (that’s not what I call them) the entire presidential campaign right up to today, as he still lingers on crowd size at his inauguration! INCREDIBLE!!!
But back to the main question Mike. You obviously are a male, with not much inclination on how women should be treated. We don’t enjoy being called names like animals, nor do we like being treated as objects and sexually mistreated. We are not toys to be thrown around. Our respect and decent treatment is imperative to a peaceful existence.
I’m not really even sure you read the entire article?
You, like Trump, can’t handle the truth! … and “accepting the result” – that’s an almost laughable remark. His ego just can’t stand being defeated at any cost or he goes into a vicious attack mode.
But as far as the Women’s U.S. Open Tournament?
Women have forever had to fight for fair treatment, and often with great sacrifice. No reason to stop now!
All I can say is, I pray for us all; even you Mike!
I hope we make it out alive!
Well said Joanne. Whilst I don’t fully agree with the conclusion, it sets out both sides. I personally believe that all events associated with his name should be abandoned. The LPGA should seek an alternative venue, even though there will be logistical and budgetary concerns. Respect and decent treatment for all must be humanity’s goal.
When politics come into the mix, I know it gets very ‘heated’ and I do appreciate the passion. I think the LPGA did the right thing in not moving the event. It would unnecessarily draw politics into a place where it doesn’t need to be drawn into.
I say to let them golf and to have fun as well; I am sure it will be a great tournament!
I agree with the LPGA’s decision to keep the tournament’s location. Sure, Mr. Trump may have said some unsavory remarks but his actions seem to show that he isn’t terrible. Besides, even if he were to truly feel that way, the women playing at his course (seems to me) would be a nice way for the players to show that they really do deserve to be respected and that they won’t cow to bullying. Finally, like you said, keep the event as a sporting event and not a political rally. This is the time for some talented individuals to show their skills!